press release

Personal Injury Claims in Northern Ireland

23 July 2024
In England and Wales a key reference point for calculating personal injury claims is the Judicial College Guidelines. For the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland it has been ‘The Green Book’ since 1996. The most recent 6th edition was published in April 2024 and represents some quite big changes
press release

Insurance Matters In Italy

23 July 2024
In June 2024 the annual report of IVASS for 2023 (Istituto per La Vigilanza Sulle Assicurazioni) was published. Some of the key data to come out of the report is below. Insurance Statistics -85 national insurance companies were present and a further 4 representatives of non-EEA companies. -average
press release

CCN Journal – Edition 3

8 July 2024
If you would like to see all the articles from the third edition of the CCN Journal together, we have prepared the CCN Journal e-magazine concept for you. Download here We hope you enjoy reading it. CCN Marketing
press release

CCN’s Participation at ITB Berlin Showcases Innovative Flight Disruption Insurance Solution

8 July 2024
CCN’s participation at ITB Berlin showcased its innovative flight disruption insurance solution, “FlyPax,” which offers comprehensive coverage for various flight disruptions. The introduction of FlyPax received positive feedback from industry professionals, indicating strong
press release

Coris UK Enhancing Customer Satisfaction with Exceptional Services

8 July 2024
Coris UK, a part of CCN since 2023, offers a wide range of claims management services to insurers in Europe. The company has received positive feedback for its exceptional service quality, with a recent testimonial praising Nick Lavelle, the Managing Director, for his professionalism and support
press release

FlightClaimEU: Passengers´Rights Explained

8 July 2024
Understanding Passengers’ Rights in Flight Delays: Recent EU Court Ruling Explained – Proactive Booking, Compensation Criteria, and Check-In Obligations Clarified. In a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, passengers’ rights under EU Regulation 261/2004 were clarified
press release

Denmark’s Crackdown on Reckless Driving: A Comprehensive Overview of the Consequences

8 July 2024
In response to a spate of tragic incidents involving reckless drivers, the Danish Parliament took decisive action in 2020 to combat reckless driving behaviour on the country’s roads. The resulting rules, which came into effect on March 31, 2021, have been in place for over three years now,
press release

UK Focus – Autonomous Vehicles Coming Soon

8 July 2024
The UK’s Automated Vehicle Act, passed in May 2024, aims to enhance road safety by introducing self-driving vehicles that could surpass human drivers’ safety levels by 2026. The legislation also anticipates economic benefits, job creation, and improved connectivity for communities
press release

A Year of Growth and Collaboration: Network´s Success in 2023

8 July 2024
In the fast-paced world of networking, the past year has been nothing short of exhilarating for our network. With a slew of new products and work sources introduced across the group, we have witnessed unprecedented growth and success. One of the highlights of the year was our active participation
press release

JC Guidelines

21 March 2024
The 17th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines has been published in March 2024. This publication is a resource for insurance and legal professionals to value personal injury claims in England and Wales. Each chapter focuses on a different injury and provides for different levels of severity.
press release

CCN Journal – Edition 2

27 February 2024
If you would like to see all the articles from the second edition of the CCN Journal together, we have prepared the CCN Journal e-magazine concept for you. Download here We hope you enjoy reading it. CCN Marketing
press release

sicher & solvent: Income Protection, Ancillary Revenues and Customer Retention

27 February 2024
The latest offering from CCN, “sicher & solvent IncomeProtection,” helps businesses secure additional income and retain customers in challenging times. By integrating this solution into sales processes, companies can effortlessly boost revenues and ensure customer loyalty. Stay